The Russians think peak oil is the funniest story to come down the pike since the one about the dead dinosaurs. They are pumping this stuff from deep within the earth as fast as they can stick pipes down there. If it were dead plants and dinosaurs we would have run out a long time ago. Deepwater Horizon was drilling 10K meters down! That’s like an inverted Mt. Everest. Ain’t no dead dinos down that way, and certainly not enough to make oil at 10K PSI or whatever insane pressure that thing tapped into.
Peak oil/global warming are just stories they tell people to get them to accept austerity which is the true goal. More for the few at the top, less for everyone else. When we all believe that we have to stop eating/driving/living/reproducing it frees them up to zoom around on their megayachts and whatnot. Ain’t no TSA gropedowns or x-ray treatments for the private flight crowd he he he…
One thing that IS true is that the easy oil is gonna be gone soon. The next big trend is gonna be from super-deep wells. Unfortunately they make big booms and messes when things go wrong but that’s the price we’re gonna have to pay…