The problems associated with driving conditions here in SoCal are far too numerous to mention in just one post (or thread for that matter). Needless to say, I have driven across the United States and Italy and personally think that there is nothing that unordinary about SoCal drivers. This is coming from a person who was born and raised in Maine for 23 some-odd years where the highway speed limit is 55. I am just about 33 now, and I still think that 55 is WAY too slow. It took driving from Rome to Florence to realize that in most instances it is actually better if you drive FASTER rather than slower. Drivers in Italy are well known to be some of the craziest drivers there are (drivers in India will have something to say about that).
I personally feel that all the slower drivers are the ones that create most of the traffic problems in SoCal. It may sound counter-intuitive, but you all know what I am talking about. It's the elderly person in the fast lane, semi truck driver, illegal immigrant carrying far too much cargo on his F-150, numbnut on a cell phone, or accident looky-loo that drives too slow and creates problems for the rest of us.