The problem today is the media scrutiny & blowing up of every single mistake people running for office every had in their past. I think this is a big issue and possibly why we can’t get talented leaders. Imagine if we had this kind of media scrutiny putting a magnifying glass on candidates lives throughout history? We may have not ever had presidents like JFK, Abraham Lincoln, Adams, Washington, etc… b/c they had some skeletons in their past that popped up under the microscope and prevented them from ever winning office. People are human beings and make mistakes in their past. When you try to find someone who is absolutely perfect who has never done anything wrong in their past, you narrow the field down so much it may not leave any one talented left. Or you get someone with a perfect past, but is a total bonehead & sucks as a president. There are probably a ton of talented people that could really lead this country to greatness, but do not want to run and put their past under the microscope.
But of course there is no way to stop political opponents from exposing things from the past true or not true.