The Police are supposedly on the lookout for a White Lexus, last seen near Barstow.
May not be a good day to drive a white car in the IE.
Dorner is in the wrong. He’s allegedly killed a person’s daughter for what he blames the father. You don’t get more wrong than that.
That said, the police actions and continued declaration of the Chief in LA saying the police opened fire on a vehicle matching the suspects vehicles description is disgusting. It’s a full size truck versus a compact truck. Plus, I’ve now heard reports that the two women are really, woman and her 7 year old daughter.
I heard the news this morning mention that Anderson Cooper supposedly said there are scenes on the DVD he was mailed that appears to support Dorner’s claim that the suspect was kicked.
And just remember, due to the Peace Officer Bill of Rights, you don’t have the right to know anything they determine of the alleged events in regards to the officers.
Maybe we need to add a poll, are you more concerned about getting injured by Dorner or are you more concerned about getting injured by police reaction.