The pink house an Madra looks nice. One shortcoming for me regarding Madra is that it is double yellow road. That is kind of a pet peave of mine and also probably affecting the relative value of this house.
About the geology of the area…looking at the front of the pink Madra house you see large a granite rock front with a short stuccoed wall on top.This granite is very stable. If that is the situation at Yokhama it is not likely a problem. Notice that the driveway of the same house has no cracks and the retaining wall looks perfect, at least to a casual view. That is what you look for for starters. For several years I have noticed a collapsing hill clearly visible from the 8 going east. Can’t remember if it was closer to Waring or College.
I like the Bay Park suggestions too. Another area that is really nice is located of north of Montezuma just east of Fairmont Ave. The zip is 92115. Look for streets off of Santa Yerba. Maybe the views are not so great.The prices get pretty steep in a section that is a gated. East going towards SDSU the houses tend become quite a bit more modest.