The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore.
These arguments always ignore the most important aspect of wealth…where did the “rich” man get his money?
Does he sell goods/services where the margins are very high? If so, one could make the argument that he is:
1. taking “excess” money from his customers
2. not paying his employees or suppliers enough (taking “excess” money from them)
3. both
Do the people who run the companies (in the case of many executives, often not taking any personal risks, whatsoever) deserve all the “excess wealth” or does it rightfully belong to the workers who make that company run? I’ve seen plenty of examples where the owners/executives can leave for extended period of time and everything runs smoothly (often better than when he/she is there). Take the executive’s secretary out for a day, and all hell breaks loose. Who makes more money?
Don’t even try to tell me that these executives/fund managers/deal makers are so much smarter or more capable than most highly-intelligent individuals. If nothing else, this credit/housing bubble has shown the falacy in that thinking. How many “regular” people nailed what would happen **years** ago, while these executives raped the companies (and the shareholders and employees and society) while claiming that they knew what they were doing? Even if they knew what they were doing (and intentionally stealing), where were all the geniuses who were supposed to keep this from happening?