The people that are "tired of waiting" just do not understand market cycles, which will be part of the problem of getting to a true bottom. They will be too anxious, afraid of missing out.
I disagree – we left precisely because we DO understand market cycles. I moved five years ago – obviously well before the last push, and some could say we missed a money making opportunity, but the prices then were already too high for us. In this short five years, we have instead lived well within our means, lived extremely well (we travel – we can sign up the kids for anything they are interested in with the best private instructors – we ski – we go to San Diego for the entire summer, EVERY summer, etc.)
So now we sit and watch and wait to buy a summer condo out there when the prices fall. We'll never leave upstate NY. The schools, the scenery, even the snow are beautiful. And these words come from a girls who grew up in Solana Beach/Del Mar.
When my bones get old & cold, we'll retire in No.County.