“The other thing I think not so much to myself, if they bought before 2003 and didn’t HELOC themselves to death, they don’t have to think about it either.”
this is a fact, nsr, that is mostly ignored on this site. it’s more fun to talk about folks who may be losing sleep because they are upside down and about to lose their homes than talk about those who are doing just fine. i may be wrong but i suspect the latter outweigh the former by a large sum in SD.
of course this is a bear site so to expect much if any effort focused on those who have made a killing in real estate is unrealistic. i’m not being critical because i really like this site and most of the posters – it just is what it is. i don’t think anyone is kidding themselves and refusing to believe that a vast number of folks have been aboard the RE train and are way up now.
nevertheless, the bear in me does expect this downturn to continue, so those ’03 purchasers may be finding themselves in the on-deck circle.