The only problem I see with Karls writing style is that its a bit emotionally loaded. His economics analysis has been pretty spot on. One nice thing about Karl is that he goes out of his way to explain WHY he feels the way he does. In his mind GD2 is already baked into the cake. He does qualify it though by talking about what he means by GD2 and it isn’t really like GD1.
In his estimation it is the same failed economic policies as the first time, not the consequences that he discusses. I read every ticker and I’ve not really heard him say 25% unemployment or soup lines. He talks about diminishing trade, retaliatory trade policies and a shrinking economic pie for all of us. His version of GD2, and mine as well doesn’t look like the last one, except for the fall in standard of living for most Americans and the lessening of opportunity for the young.