The NY Times last Sunday reported that subprime lenders were more active in black and Hispanic areas. For example, in Dallas the top five lenders to blacks were all subprime mortgage companies, whereas for whites they were banks. One reason given for this is that there aren’t so many banks is black neighborhoods. Another reason is that brokers actively sought out borrowers in those areas to refinance in order to release equity to pay other debts.
Irony, satire, or parody are all hallmarks of British humor, and is sometimes difficult for others to understand. The clip is typical of this brand of humor in that it juxstaposes harsh reality with understatement or seeming frivolity. Although many may see this as sneering, it is more to do with political or social comment. Perhaps humor makes it more palatable, or draws the attention of otherwise disinterested parties.
Incidentally, the UK housing market is starting to downturn and I wouldn’t be surprised if “dodgy” loans aren’t part of the undoing there.