The Navy moves packs and moves you for free, gives you a tax free moving allowances to pay for other moving expenses, and lets you borrow up to two months of your base pay interest free. That’s about it.
Many places do have housing available on base that is free. So you dont have to deal with housing at all. Just move into one of their houses. But it isn’t always available, and often when it is there is a waiting list, so you have to move twice. Also in many places the houses are so old and delapitated that they are depressing to move into. That is changing and is part of the problem in Beaufort for instance. The base housing is being rebuilt there and many new military people are now moving onto base when they arrive. Four years ago only people who had to live on base did.
My husband is a Dr. though and so we are stationed at Hospitals which usually have base housing only for the CO/XO .