The most recent sale of a 2 bedroom at this complex was in December 2007 for $257,800. At the peak, in June 2004 a 2 bedroom unit sold for $365,000. There are currently no 2 bedrooms listed at this complex.
I was fortunate to purchase a 1 bedroom unit at this complex in 1998, before prices went crazy. I am an older, single, professional female and bought the unit as part of my “retirement plan”, locking in my housing costs at a reasonable, affordable amount.
Based on the current listing price vs rent, I could see that someone who is in the position I was in 10 years ago seeing this as a reasonable price.
Having been a faithful reader of this site for several months I am also fairly certain that $169K will not be the bottom price for this complex, but I can imagine someone who is not a faithful Piggington thinking that this would be a good price to jump in at.