The most effective way to use transit in So Cal is to combined the auto trip with the transit trip. What needs to happen is for there to be priority set aside for transit, for the long trips. Poway, to Sorrento Valley, UTC or Kearny Mesa. From your house to the Poway station, you would have to drive. On the way, you could drop your kids off and drop your business atire off at the laundry. At the station there would be around a 1,000 parking spaces so you wouldnt have to worry about getting a parking space. A starbucks would be waiting for you to. The bus or Bus rapid Transit would depart the median of the freeway using shared HOV lanes every 7-min. It would drop you off within 1/4-mile of your final destination or you would transfer to a timed shuttle bus the finalized the trip. Employeers could joint together to finance the shuttle service for their employees. This service should get you to work quicker than driving if your drive is down the 15 in the AM, up the 805 from CV in the AM or down the 5 in the AM. It would work, the it would cost a lot of tax payers money to get it there. Building more lanes on a freeway would never work. We’ve been doing it for years and still no success. Just more lanes and more cost. A mile of new lane on a freeway cost around 540-million. This include right of way, labor and materials. 6-miles of rail costs around 540-million.