The issue with stocking up on food and water is that you can basically only save enough for about 3 days, unless you have an entire storage unit dedicated to this. Even if you do, the stuff goes bad eventually. Especially with water, it evaporates.
I have 3 days worth, and that will get us through a crisis, but the problem is the crisis is likely to be chronic and long term. I think stocking up on money is the best bet, as there will be food and water, but it will be VERY expensive. Same with the ham radio idea, good for a crisis, but when the grid is restored….cell phone usage might cost a pretty penny.
I think it is important to have a couple of guns available and security bars, because those that cannot afford to eat, will have nothing to lose by breaking into your home. I have a friend that has been broken into twice, and her food was stolen. And that has been during the “good” years.