The insiders are selling because they know this market is ready to take a nose dive. There are other indicators too. The Big Picture has some commentary lately about their leading indicators, which show that the market is ready to go down. Also something about the Dow Transports not going up with the Dow, and the bond market pricing in a recession. But there has been talk of manipulation too.
“There is no doubt that there is major manipulation going on holding this market up this high, so we are really fighting the house shorting this market.” – Chris Johnston’s blog, Monday.
Once the market starts to dive, I’m going to move more money into bear funds. My husband is going to put some into the inverse NASDAQ. In the short term, I think I can earn a better return on shorting the index funds, than on rising gold.
This market is a big fat bloated pig, as Don Harrold likes to say. I’m ready for the big drop – got my inverse index funds in place.