The funding problem of Medicare is accurate – but has nothing to do with how the program runs…
Basically – it works – and it doesn’t cost a lot to administer. Our current system is one of increasing costs, obscure rules, arbitrary decisions, all motivated by greed and profit. Also – as to the prescription benefit… We pay huge prices for drugs, so our drug companies can give discounts to every other country. The lobbyists say that without America paying full price for drugs, the drug companies wouldn’t be able to develop new drugs…. Wow…
Anyway the thrust of your response was about the funding of Medicare, and the prescription problem… My point is that Medicare runs efficiently, (like most single payer systems)… The American people are being effectively robbed by big Health Care – and they lies they express which are parroted…
By the way sdnative… “I still equate it to Socialized medicine. Bureaucracy, the governmental version of anarchy.” But the point is that it works far better for other countries than our system is working for us… Too bad most Americans don’t actually look at the scorecard in almost every category to see that we are getting a horrible, raw deal. When you say “Socialized medicine” most people (me included) have been taught to look at that as a terrible thing… It’s advertising… Actually socialized medicine works far better than the system we have here.
I would also like ANYONE else to comment about Emergency rooms…. Please chime in… I’ve been to about 10 in my life, 8 were horrific. I hear stories all the time… Anyone? Have a good experience with Emergency rooms?