The early baby boomers are doing OK, for the most part, flu, only they purchased their assets at the beginning of the wave of asset-price inflation that the entire baby boomer generation generated. If you bought your first home in 1971, or 1980, or even 1985, you have massive gains. Same is true for people who bought stocks.
So the baby boomer generation is affected very unevenly. Late baby boomers are probably the worst off, since they bought most of their assets when prices were already elevated, and when they have to liquidate their assets to pay for retirement or medical care, asset prices will be at their lowest. Early baby boomers start with much bigger gains, and should be able to liquidate a lot of assets before the full effect of the downtrend / higher taxation / inflation will be felt.
Laws of supply and demand have not been repealed, and never will. They apply to people and their assets as well as other goods and services.