The earliest you can see the embryo with ultrasound is about 4.5 weeks past the last menstrual period, or about 2.5 weeks after conception. A surgical abortion can be performed any time after the embryo can be visualized. Visualization inside the uterus is essential to prevent the attempt to abort an ectopic pregnancy.
Prior to 9 weeks after LMP you need to know exactly what to look for to find the embryo in the pathology tray. After 9 weeks it starts to look like a baby in there.
Abortion is obtainable in CA up to 24 weeks, unless a lethal anomaly is discovered later in pregnancy.
I voted against the prop, as I believe it will lead to increases in back alley illegal abortions, especially in this age group. Abortion MUST remain legal, even though I personally feel that you lose a little piece of you soul after you perform each one.