The Dem’s solution to every problem is taxing the “rich”. They never have any other solution to anything. People who make say over $2 million a year to me are rich, people who make $250k are not rich. They are often high earning professionals in our society who made MAJOR sacrifices in their life and did what others wouldn’t (doctors, lawyers, enteprenuers, scientists). I just can’t get behind a system who’s solution to everything is taxing these people more. I think you should be REWARDED for your success not punished for it. Most Dem’s have a very low financial IQ. I have many in my family. You start talking about anything economics related and their eyes roll up. Great example is the American public is too dumb to know that Romney pays a low tax on his income because he is FINANCIALLY INTELLIGENT. The IRS has a tax code that taxes passive income, corporation income, investment income less than w-2 earned income. Anyone in this county has the freedom to take advantage of this. I myself got out of the w-2 corporate world 10 yrs ago and started a business and operate my business as an S Corp and have created passive investment income to avoid the financial and wealth predators at the IRS. So don’t get mad a Romney for paying less in tax just for taking advantage of rules already in place to encourage risk taking and entraprenuerialism in our society. But most Dems are so busy indoctrinating themselves with the Obama save the middle class BS and whining, that they don’t take the initiative and start their own business and invest to take advantage of the U.S. tax codes. Instead dumb ass Dems just vote to tax the rich more, they are a one trick pony with NO OTHER PLAN. Same old “Robin Hood” steal from the rich BS. Robin Hood was a common crook! The only fair plan EVER was Steve Forbes 17% flat tax for all incomes.
Examples of tax changes in election:
-Prop 30 raise state income tax for people making over $250k to 10.3%
-Obama will raise taxes on qualified dividends for singles making over $200k to be taxes as Ordinary income, Romney would maintain 15% rate
-Obama care 3.8% tax on investment income, Romney would repeal Obama Care
-Obama will raise long term Cap gains tax rates to 20% for those making over $200k, Romney would not raise