These guys (and ladies) are all pandering politicians and this nonsense about what their favorite preachers are saying is MEANT TO DISTRACT YOU. YOUR COUNTRY IS BEING GUTTED BEFORE YOUR EYES. Stop fighting with each other over these ninnying junior-high non-issues and keep your eye on the ball. Write the newspapers and TV stations and let them know you’re sick of gossip being passed off as political insight. Better yet, stop reading the newspaper and turn off your TV. Avoid websites that focus on this sort of thing and figure out for yourself what’s really happening. The powers that be desperately want this election to become another 2004 (He didn’t deserve that purple heart! He was AWOL! No he wasn’t!) or another 2000 (He’s a fibber! He used to do cocaine! No he didn’t! He was in the army! No he wasn’t, he was just a journalist! He was AWOL! No he wasn’t!) All the while we slide closer and closer to third-world status…