The buyer to satisfy self b4 release of contingency is something silly realtors put in their listings in a vain attempt to limit thier liability. In essence they are saying during the during contingency period it is your (the buyer) responsibility to complete your due diligence and to verify any representations I (the Realtor) have made before releasing your contingencies (i.e. built-in escape clauses) which allow you to cancel the escrow without penalty.
Example: realtor lists home as having 3000 sq ft and buyer relies on that. Upon moving in buyer learns that house is only permitted for 2500 sqft with the other 500 sq ft being a bootlegged addition and threatens to sue Realtor and Seller. Realtor says “Check the listing, I told you it was your responsibility to verify all b4 releasing your contingencies” Plaintiffs attorney promptly laughs in listing agents face and says “tell it to the judge”. Judge is anxiously awaiting their chance to laugh too. Many agents use it in their listings but it really offers them no real legal protection IMHO.