The builder had a construction defect that was covered under their warranty, and they are honoring the terms of that warranty. I think that asking for cash above and beyond your contractual agreements is unseemly at best.
This was an accident, a fluke. If the damage is adequately repaired then there’s no reason for anyone to think this can ever happen again because of this accident.
The one thing I would suggest is that you persuade the company to pay for a home inspection by an outside home inspector of your choice. Look around until you can find one that has some expertise with the infrared scopes. They can use the infrared to “look” through the walls and floor coverings to see if there are any remaining areas of moisture. If there are going to be any further complications from this accident, it’ll probably be moisture-related.
Such an inspection is not expensive and given the circumstances the builder will probably be happy to cooperate. If they don’t pay for the inspection, get one anyways and considered it a small price to pay for your piece of mind.