The biggest issues I have with the bill is that it didn’t eliminate the anti-trust exemption and it didn’t allow for reimportation of pharmaceuticals. Those would have created real reform.
For me, this is not the biggest issue, but it does show that this bill was not really about reform. It didn’t do much to address the sources of costs.
With pharmaceuticals; I would put it as either the re-importation of pharmaceuticals or ‘price leveling’ using an open market. No sector price differentiation (one price for one location and a completely different price for a different location).
In other words, the majority of Americans with an opinion support the health care reform in this bill _or a more radical version of health care reform_.
Your conclusion is not supported by evidence at hand. BTW, which poll was this, and where was it located. How was the question worded. You can easily ‘load’ the statement by saying: Do you believe in the need for health care reform. The question is; what form should it really take.