The banks also received a significant amount of bailout money and yet they are not making low interest loans to start up businesses. I have a problem with corporate welfare to the Chargers and to the big banks who have swallowed the smaller banks. The same thing happened with grocery chains, is happening with car companies and will happen with the airlines. Pretty soon it will be like the Sci Fi movie with one restaurant- Taco Bell. Good grief. Fight back people before Lieberman takes the Internet from us. This is an extension of my anti government rant and not an authentic threadjack: “Lieberman said the Internet was ‘constantly being probed by other countries for weaknesses and that “we need the capacity for the president to say to an Internet service provider, ‘We’ve got to disconnect the American Internet from all traffic coming in from this country.’”
He cited China, which has long been criticized for its Internet censorship, as an example. “Right now, China can disconnect parts of its Internet in times of war. We need to be able to do that too.”
What really scares me is his citing what China, a totalitarian regime can do, as a logical example. What is Joe smoking?