The argument that putting people in jail for smoking does not justify or make it okay to legalize pot.
The bottom line is that it is destructive. I spent a good 20 years of my life smoking it. I smoked ALOT and did alot of other drugs. I deluded myself into thinking how it never hurt me or how I “performed better”, or how I never hurt anyone, or never alienated myself or others.
It doesn’t make you any better. It is not any better for your kids. It does not help you drive better, it does not make you more alert, it does lead to more drugs, it does deaden you emotionally and slow you down physically.
I could go on and on about it.
I am not against letting those who have legitimate health issues use it for pain reduction.
I don’t want my kids exposed to it. I don’t want them associating with anyone who does it. I don’t want thier teachers to do it, thier bus driver, or any other adults they are exposed to. Don’t give me a line about how people who smoke sit at home and don’t affect anyone elses life because they DO NOT. They go out, they drive, they endanger other people.
I am a realist and will have to deal with the world my kids will be exposed to. I understand that. However, it is NOT a reality to think people just smoke and do no other drugs, and do nothing at all. They do go to work high, they do drive high, they do plenty of things high and that ENDANGERS MY LIVELIHOOD.
Am I overreacting? Yeah probably. I am not a pot hater or a stoner hater. I haven’t touched anything in over 10 years but I think about it all the time. That is what drugs do.
People are stupid enough when they are straight. Guess what though, it only takes 1 person, 1 time to change another persons life forever.