the anger you all are throwing towards me further validates the disgruntlement among you. Calling people names for buying today is grade school behavior. Why hate people who can afford something?
First, no one hates you or anyone who is buying. In general, we think those people either don't understand what is about to happen, are sheeple who will follow the crowd over the cliff, are financially stupid, are financially secure but have chosen to enter the market with knowledge that it will go down because they can ride it out, or are complete and utter idiots. Which are you, Alex?
Second, you are the one who sounds desperate. You must be either a home owner or employed in real estate (or both). You are clearly trying to rationalize your financially suicidal home purchase. Buy in 05 or later, did you?
Third, most the people here CAN afford to buy a house but are showing restraint until prices reduce, as they must, either through inflation or outright depreciation.
Fourth, I bet you have big car payment and a new vehicle with shiny rims in your driveway.