That’s pretty bad, and it reminds me of when Sting used to lead the “Save The Rain Forests” movement. Of course Sting gets to be a famous and wealthy rock star in part because his country cut down all of their trees a long time ago in order to build and advance their country and provide him with a good, safe environment to live in; now he travels to the Amazon to tell the quaint little natives to keep their rain forests intact so that wealthy westerners can come look at them living in their primitive, “natural” state. Many of the people in developing areas just want a car, a fridge, and air conditioning like everyone else.
This hypocrisy, however, doesn’t invalidate what either Sting or Al Gore are saying — it is true that man is on a collision course with nature and that if we don’t moderate our resource use, we are going to be in for some hard times. The elephant in the room that no one will talk about is birth control/population control but that’s a topic for another day…