None of these guys truly understand the nature of this crisis.
The proof is in their words. They all want house prices to stop falling, but overpriced housing got us into this mess.
Both parties all want to appear to care so much for the taxpayer that they rush to judgement on something that they should be spending months coming to grips with before spending any money at all, much less what will inevitably exceeed $1,000,000,000,000.
I saw a NM Senator last night saying these guys (Hanky, Franky, and Bernanke) understand these problems, have made their recommendation, and we should act now! – and I thought “what an idiot!”
This guy is ready to spend money we don’t have on a problem he doesn’t understand because the hanky-panky party says so.
This is the same party who said institutions must be allowed to fail, after saying the economy is strong, and housing has bottomed.
The candidates too have no idea what’s really going on.