That map certainly makes it look like there are some pretty significant clusters.
It would be good to see it categorized a bit differently:
-one color for children who’ve been diagnosed with cancer in the past 10 years
-one color for children who were diagnosed with cancer 10-25 years ago (with a way to see it adjusted for population)
-one color for adults who’ve been diagnosed within the past 10 years
-one color for adults who were diagnosed 10-25 years ago (adjusted for population changes, somehow?)
It would be nice to see it divided even further by ages of adults. Lots of retirees move here to live along the coast. A 70 year-old getting cancer (especially one who moved here from somewhere else) doesn’t signal as much to me as much as a child who was born and raised here who got cancer before 20 years old. That definitely sets off alarms, IMHO.