That is horrible what happenned to those tenants. I cannot even imagine that.
Back in the day, Vegas was great….loved to stay downtown–before they put up that mall thing playing country music and a flashing light show. You could play craps for $2 and if times were tough, there was always the $1 black jack tables at Union Square. Not to mention penny slots, for REALLY a penny! Went to a casino in Palm Desert last weekend, could hardly figure out what was what on those penny slots…which added up to about 50 cents a pull/button push. At least your hands don’t get dirty anymore.
Binions had not gone bust in those days, and you could get free pics taken in front of the million dollar horseshoe….the days before digital…had to come back the next day to get the photos.
Not sure what it takes to get comps these days….but back in late 80’s/early 90’s comps at the Fremont were flowing freely.
Aaaah, I miss the old Vegas (or miss my youth maybe!).