That is a good, even-handed video. It blames the politicians of both parties.
The graph is an eye-opener, in that it shows how our recent additions to spending under Obama dwarf the deficit spending under Bush. Yes, Obama inherited a recession and a deficit. Then he proceeded to quadruple the deficit. Let’s keep these magnitudes in mind.
Here’s a prediction that won’t be very popular: Bush’s record will be seen in a much more favorable light in the very near future. It’s already happening.
History has a way of rewriting itself once popular passions cool and we all gain perspective. Guess who was one of the most unpopular presidents, especially at the end of his term? Harry Truman, the inarticulate hick from Missouri (familiar?) now viewed as a gutsy, no-nonsense guy who stood up to the Soviets, the unions, and coined the term “The buck stops here”.