That doesn’t strike me as a conservative portfolio. Depending on how soon you think you may need the money, 40% equity may be aggressive. The mix of the bond fund is also important as well. If it’s longer term maturities (look at the duration of the fund-if it’s more than a couple years, it’s fairly risky for someone that may need the dough soon), or a fund that invests in anything except T-bills, you may have risk there.
The currency fund may not be a terrible idea if it’s a bet against the dollar (the assumption being if the dollar does well, your other funds will do well also, but if the dollar does poorly, your equities are likely to do poorly so you are a bit more hedged). That said, I have trouble seeing a conservative portfolio that includes a currency fund.
Is your advisor earning any fees on these funds (look for the front or back end load and the expense ratio)? If any of those are more than 1%, you’ve been taken for a ride in my mind.
Hard to say without more info, but the early indicators aren’t good to me that you have been given good advice.