It’s not my money. It’s not the democrats money. The money goes to fund our governments, local and federal, and the roads you drive on, the water you drink, the wars we fight (middle east anybody?), the police/fire crews, teachers who teach our children, parks they play in, etc… THEY ARE PAID FOR by our collective tax dollars.
You can argue about what government should and should not do. Personally, I don’t support fighting retarded wars in the middle east on behalf of oil companies. I see marginal benefit, and I think it’s waste of public resources that ignores larger energy sector issues and screws over my generation. (Thanks, Boomers.)
Regardless where the money goes…
Only clueless right-wing tools would argue that giant corporations like BP and Wal-Mart get to legally avoid and evade taxes while the rest of us carry the burden.
That whole Tea Party thing, basically, after you subtract Ron Paul (who I like), their entire value system is a fraud, front operation for the Republican Party.
Tax policy needs to be reformed. If the policy structure was made more even, loopholes closed, studies show you could lower overall tax rates and still collect as much revenue by reducing avoidance, which would stimulate the economy and ADD JOBS.