Thanks ucodegen for looking into it… i apologize but I had to delete your post because of the allegations that mckenna did something wrong, which they didn’t.
ACCCKK!! .. i’ve been censored!! Must be Obama’s fault, BIG BROTHER!!.. tinfoil hat time.. -joking-
One thing your friend might want to look at, is that he/she is using full-self-referencing-paths in most of the links. This is why it jumped from your machine to on the links. Using ‘dot’ relative paths on the links within the pages makes them more relocatable (ie. if the domain name needs to be changed, if it needs to respond to more than one name, and to make it easier to test on another server or at home). This is what also threw me off. People who ‘camp-out’ on extensions to domains tend to put all of the front page on that name they are camping out on and then jump to/redirect to their server on the links.
I initially wondered if it was accidental until probing showed that all other pages redirected, not just one and links jumped to the real site. Looking at the HTML source, it looks like it was developed with a tool. It should be possible to tell the tool to use ‘dot’ relative links for all links that stay within the server-name.