Thanks to everyone for your kind and supportive words. I really do appreciate it very much.
The short sale condo we were in escrow on was the only offer that was accepted that wasn’t w/the listing agent. On most of the places we made offers on, we tried to go w/the listing agent whenever possible. There were a few arrogant ones who would not even consider writing our offers up. Funny enough, those were the ones that languish on the market for a long time. In fact, there’s one in particular that said he had a whole office of people who would buy at the price I offered. That place is still actively for sale (short). Going on a year now.
My preference would’ve been to wait for rates to rise. I do subscribe to the belief that higher rates will reduce buying power and prices will have to adjust to accomodate that. I think SDR mentioned it on another thread that 6% and higher is what will make an impact. And I agree.
Anyway, it is along the coast and we have a little bit of a view. That wasn’t even one of my criteria. In any case, I will make the best of this purchase. As pokepud said, I have what I need. Even though it’s not my dream home. I could deal w/it not being bottom, but I think waiting would’ve gotten us a better home for the same price. If it were just my decision, I would’ve waited a little longer. But at a certain point, waiting and paying rent cancel out. I think I’m close to that w/almost 35% off in my price range.
Yes, no more updates on SDL (unless prices drop so much we decide to buy a second home, LOL) I’m sure there are a few bulls on SDL that will be thrilled to not see my NODs posting. I do not regret that I did that. I learned quite a bit from that and in a weird way, it did enrich my life and hopefully the information helped some people. It certainly did put things in perspective and allowed me to filter some of what MSM were reporting. I do look forward to gardening again and that will be a nice substitute to looking at listings and tracking NODs.