Thanks for the reply.
I understand the confidential remarks a bit more now.
I must say, ask. “what use are confidential remarks to buyers”?
I seems to me that the buyers are putting up all of the money. when people are keeping secrets / not informing you about issued dealing with YOUR money I smell a confict of interest. If there were no conflicts then there would be no need for confidential remarks, period. I see nothing wrong with stating these issue out for all to see. I don’t have a problem with my agent getting a 10k bonus. I would just like to know that tidbit so that I can weight that into my purchase decision. Could it be that the 10k is why he is pushing said name house over some other.
I will definately ask about remarks in the future when I buy.
On a side note. What are some of the more outlandish confidential remarks some of you in the business have observed? just curious.