Thanks for the reminder of the rent being taxable income – I had forgot about that when considering different scenarios.
CAREFUL. Rent is only taxable to the extent that it exceeds your costs. In your case you will surely have a tax loss, which will adds to what you can deduct assuming you make less than 150K per year. These costs include Mortgage interest, Property Taxes, Insurance, Depreciation, maintenance, property management (if used), etc. Depreciation is about 3.6% of the value of the structure at the time you acquired it (land not included). If the structure was worth 250K, this is a paper (tax) loss of ~ 9000 per year.
You can deduct up to 25K of these losses per year against your income if you make under 100K. This maximum amount is reduced by 1$ for every 2$ you make aver 100K.
You will surely not have any taxable gain. And will likely have a significant additional tax deduction beyond what you currently have.