Thanks for the offer but I don’t drink. The changes we are going through do not keep me awake at night. They do however guide some decisions I make regarding longer term issues for myself and family. Just because I look reality square in the eye doesn’t mean I run away and hide from it. You only get one chance to live life so choosing to shrink and hide is a sad decision.
Many years ago I came to the realization that trying to fight or change things that are insurmountable or manipulated by the powers that be is a waste of my time and effort. Trying to time markets for absolute bottoms and such is another waste of time. In a manipulated housing market I found flipping was a great short term opportunity. In a rock bottom interest rate environment there are other golden opportunities for people to take advantage of cheap money. Similarly when interest rates are sky high other opportunities will be there.
I am a realist and thinking Shawshank redemption and smiling and thinking well in 40 years this will all be different and things will have magically taken care of themselves is not something I prefer to rely on. In the grand scheme of things opportunities always present themselves and that is what I look out for.
However things are not changing for the better and I think many people will be challenged. At some point our lives will change and the adult lives for our kids will be much different then ours because they will not enjoy as robust an economy as we did. As Rus implied, (not sure if he was joking or not) maybe they will be international slaves whatever that means.