Thanks for the info. I’ve got a similar situation, but unfortunately much less to pull out ;). If I just that the income tax issue alone I have to compare $10k tax for every $100k. So do I move for $20k? No, considering what it would cost to move. $100k (if I had that much)? Yes, but in between there I’m not sure.
So your tax amount of $50k is right in the middle for me. In my case I’d burn half that moving, selling the house, buying a new house, fixing new house issues, etc. The down side is leaving our friends and an area we enjoy. Your situation probably has other factors as well.
[quote=PatentGuy]Bob2007 asks “why not relocate now?”, especially to quit paying high state income taxes. Good question.
I’ve met more than one self-employed professional who maintains their primary residence in NV (or FL) just for income tax reasons, but still spends lots of time in Silicon Valley for work reasons.