Thanks for the great advice BG…yes definitely I’m looking forward to hitting the ground. We’ve only looked so far in La Jolla and Carmel Valley but look forward to checking out Santaluz and that area.
Definitely I take all advice I hear from anyone. It’s just that I think before giving someone advice not to live in an area I’d at least like the realtor to have visited the area or development…that’s all.
Also, to be fair, plenty of real estate professionals have also told me that that area is really great. Several I talked to bought in that area. 😉 One I talked to lives in that area still and besides the high MR and HOA she enjoys it.
Again, thanks for your great comments. They are constructive and helpful. We’re there next month so looking forward to it. I also rented a house in Carmel Valley for 5 months just in case we don’t find something perfect for us and will give us more time to look. Thanks again.