Thanks for sharing that. Sure puts things in perspective. I’m not convinced that the housing prices are going to plummet. Some of you are pretty sure about that. I do think the prices will come down b/c of the huge, unjustified rise due to all the factors associated w/lax lending. I’m not planning on buying yet. I’ve waited for a while, surprised they were able to propel the market as long as they did. I can wait a little longer. Hopefully they will not drag it out too long and prices will adjust w/out delay, but judging from the resistance and “assistance” it looks like I better pack a lunch.
On the bright side, the cheerleaders were kinda right. They are letting the air out sloowwly. And it doesn’t matter, b/c in the end, that balloon won’t have any air left. Pop or not, the result should be the same, back to before this whole mess started. JM2C