Thanks for all the discussion / comments. Just a follow-up on our likely decision.
After meeting with a contractor, and actually considering the idea of writing a $50,000 check, the simple comments of wombadavis are rising to the top. Stay put and live with things as they are. And save, save, save for the bottom, bottom, bottom. We may do something small to this house, if we can do it ourselves or find a low-cost temporary fix.
As far as school choice goes. I just want to find a school with good resources and great teachers where my kids won’t encounter physical violence at the lowest cost to me.
I worry little about preferential treatment, cliqes, economic status of their friends and the like. I seriously doubt that I can keep them from such things for their entire lives so they may as well encounter them young and learn to make the best of them. I do my best to teach them values that make them, first and foremost, good friends to others and I believe that will allow them to find happiness in any school situation that I choose to put them in. I don’t expect any school to make my kids great. I expect my kids to make their own school experience great.
I could never live in Denver, let alone Wisconson. My temperature range varies from San Diego to Tucson.
I have started to watch Carmel Valley more closely now. I drove through the two neighborhoods in the southwest and northeast corners of I-5/Del Mar Heights. Those are promising, for sure. Thanks for pointing them out.