Stockstradr, I didn’t dump long-held stocks recently. I dumped them some time back and was lucky with the timing. I dabbled with some shorts (made a nice return off those), then gave up and pulled out of most positions (short or long) due to what I see as the irrationality of the markets. I think it would be logical to short the market as you say, but what scares me is things like BoA buying CFC and the latter shooting up 50% as we saw last week. So I have no more than $10k in stocks right now and the rest in CDs and so on.
The purpose of this thread is so I can get some ideas of stocks to buy when D-day arrives. A lot of decent companies are being battered so if I can get some good tips I’ll start doing my research now and be ready when the bloodletting begins. As Warren Buffet says (this guy is full of great quotes):
“I don’t look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.”