Thanks CF and Peterb for bringing this discussion back on track. Our friend urbanrealtor seems to always try to rebuttal every topic even if it means taking it completely off the subject.
As I continue to watch commodities closely I am still convinced that regardless of the fear of the average investor we will continue to see manipulations of both silver and gold. I believe this will be volatile market on both sides of the coin (no pun intended), until this bill or bills get passed or denied by congress.
I don’t believe that this $700 billion bill will pass. There are just way too many unanswered questions in this bill that will keep both sides from passing it. I think Ron Paul had some very interesting points this morning when questioning Bernanke. If this bill doesn’t pass the fear will be very eminent and investors will cont. This would also add some fuel to the commodity fire. I have my hand on the mouse at all times ready to put in a huge commodity buy order if this bill is mauled.