Thanks all. Your thoughts and comments are forcing me to clarify this situation in my head. What a great sounding board this place is.
I really have two decisions to make – one now and one in 6 years.
The decision now is – should we add on to this house ?
If we do add on to this house, we can stay here until 2014. At that time, we have another decision to make – private school or move.
If we don’t add-on to this house, we’ll have to move next year because We are too cramped and we will not need private school.
So I think the private/public decision can wait until 2014. The real question is – do I want to / can I afford to move to CV next year.
The speed/severity of the bubble burst in that area is an important factor. I just don’t see enough price movement now to lead me to think it will be feasible. But I will now be a more educated and interested watcher of CV prices.
cyphire – you are right, it is $160K for 4 years not $80K. Damn twins. Also – good point on private vs. public in North County. That will weigh heavily on my decision in 2014.
carli – that house on Barbados is very interesting.
beachlover – another interesting option on Sardina.
Both rays of hope.
Rustico – If I understand you correctly – you moved in anticipation of a schooling situation which changed. This is a very compelling reason for me to stay here, then decide later when all the factors, including school and housing prices, are known at the time I have to make the decision.
FLU – interesting perspective and info on private school. However, I don’t consider any of that information a deterrent. In fact, I’d see the CEO’s 200K as subsidising my kids’ education.
jpinpg – Thanks for your response, but what part of “1200 sq ft. house is on a 10,000 sq. ft canyon lot” makes you think I’d want a 4500 sq. ft lot backed up against a busy street ?