Thanks all! Some great stuff here. Be assured I read everything and appreciate it. I just cant figure out an easy way to quote-reply to all of them lol. Been a long time since I’ve used one of these html forums…
In general looking west of the 15, south of the 52, north of the 94. It does seem like 900K is roughly the floor. We have some wiggle room in our budget. I spoke with a broker and a RE agent this week. should be getting pre-approval next week so i’ll have a better idea then.
We both commute south. I’m a day-a-week in office (for now?) in Chula and the wife works down that way as well.
Current lease is up on 06/01. I tried to start the process early. So i’m sure we could close ahead of that as long as we’re willing to eat $2,700/month. Seems like predicted appreciation more than makes up for that.