Thanks again for all the responses. I do want my husband to have the shortest commute possible, but also have to balance that with a good neighborhood and schools, looks like either way he will be commuting. Seems like when this move was just a possibility I was able to find smaller fixers in Pasadena & Eagle Rock, but now they are virually impossible to find. As BG stated inventory is very low and with low rates supply/demand take over and will push prices higher. We do anticipate my husband being able to work odd hours or work remote at least 1 day/week but that will be after 6 months or so once he’s gotten the hang of things at his new job.
I didn’t see a response to my Northern OC question. Would Fullerton, Brea, Buena park be a longer commute than Valencia? The area seems nice on paper and it would be closer to family/friends in Socal and if hubby ever had to find another job he’d be closer to irvine, another employment center for him.