Thank you, Rustico. I will continue to endure my pain (/end exaggeration) I’ll just keep checking rents, otherwise just stay put. Not a priority. My ultimate goal is the house.
I mean to add, as far as “play” money, I just got an email from a friend doing the MS walk in Big Bear. Nice to have a little extra to contribute toward that cause. This is what I mean. I have an aversion to overpaying on a house, but a greater aversion overpaying on rent. It’s not b/c I’m cheap. There are more important or things I value more that I prefer to spend my hard-earned money on. And a home is very important to me.
Still, peace of mind is of greater importance. If I wanted to gamble or be overextended, I could’ve done a subprime loan and be FB now, albeit, probably living rent free til the sheriffs come 😉
Making right decisions don’t always seem smart in hindsight.