Thank you for acknowledging the point I have been trying to make.
Unions that serve big corporations … Well, I can’t say I like them, but I fully appreciate their efforts, as private entities, to get the highest wage they possibly can from big corporations.
But those same efforts directed towards the taxpayers really chaps my hide.
[quote=CA renter]The way I see it, we, as a society, can choose to have the profits derived from labor go to the workers (who create the profits in the first place) or to those who control access to money and power.[/quote]
That is all very happy when the “profit” is true profit going to a private corp. However, when you substitute “taxpayers money” for “profits” it loses it’s noble intent because the workers are no longer attacking the powers that be, but their friends, neighbors and the tax-paying class, which – if you believe Obama – isn’t the wealthy.
Finally, a parting thought regarding the private sector unions – Consider this. The pensions funds of all those union workers and millions of other non-union workers are invested heavily in the stocks of American corporations. So, those “profits” you are shifting to the workers come from a cross-section of society. Somehow, we focus on profit-taking by major stockholders and the high-ranking officers, but American corporations are really owned by every-day people because pension funds are major investors. It isn’t like stockholders are an elite society. Anyone can own stock in any publicly held corporation.