Thank you both for reading the article. I appreciate your feedback.
I don’t see rates coming down either. Could the FedR really stand to lower them farther? I don’t think so.
One thing though is I like the philosophy of this speaker in that he feels the Feds shouldn’t wield their weight like they did in the stock market crash of the 30’s. Everything I have read tells me that the Federal Reserve Bank, by implementing monetary policy, caused the crash, or at least I’ve seen a speech by Barnake at some guy’s 90th birthday where he outlines facts that the Federal Reserve caused the crash by implementing monetary policy and that he wouldn’t permit that again. (sorry I’m not more articulate. If anyone is interested I will pull up names and articles).
While the Fed Reserv isn’t coming right out and saying it, they are acutely aware of the predatory lending and as recently as September 2006 have implemented “supverisory” guidance over lending institutions to protect [the stupid/ignorant] consumers . . . which I almost was, until I tripped on a bubble on the internet and then this site. Thank you Lord.